*** This article originally appeared as a guest post on Everyday Power Blog ***
Mindset is everything. You can accomplish anything you want when you are fueled by a positive, inspired mindset.
On the flip side, life becomes very difficult when your mind is unfocused and clouded with negative thoughts. You feel like the world is against you and that you can’t do anything. We’ve all been there. I certainly have.
Many of us deal with this on a daily basis.
The challenge lies with minimizing those times of extreme doubt and maximizing those instances where you’re in the zone.
It’s not an easy task by any means. We are all busy individuals. We all have jobs or go to school. We all have financial obligations. We all have responsibilities.
The point is that the time in our daily lives is limited and it’s easy for us to go through the motions of daily routine.
It is difficult to take a step back and assess where we are in life.
As a result, if you want to develop a focused mindset, you must take action and dedicate a specific time to it.
Cultivate a Focused Mindset Before Bed
The time period right before you go to bed is crucial. Your day is finished and you are about to go to sleep.
People utilize this important time in many different ways. Some people read books. Some people watch television. Some people browse the Internet. Some people pray.
In reality, this is your time to plan. This is your time to dream big and visualize. Visualize all of your hopes and dreams coming true.
In a way, you can look at this as a form of prayer because you are expressing faith in yourself.
The mind is a powerful tool and the old saying “thoughts become things” has always rang true and will continue to do so.
However, we live in a different age now. Our lives have become one big distraction due to our increasing reliance on technology for stimulation. We are simply too distracted now to rely solely upon the power of thoughts and internal visualization.
The 1 Important Practice You Need

Sonny Arvado aka Money Arvado…
2016 has me feeling a lot different. I’m more focused and dedicated than ever. I will keep it up.
As a result, you must take things a few steps further by physically writing it all out. Here is what you do:
Before you go to bed, get a few blank index cards and write down exactly what you want in life.
Note: This type of exercise originated from my favorite book (and what I believe the greatest mindset book ever written), The Magic of Believing.
On one index card, write down what you want to accomplish in in the near future. On another card, write down what you want to accomplish years down the road. On another card, write down your dream lifestyle.
Make these cards as specific as possible.
Some people like to read prayer cards. You can call these your “positive visualization” cards.
These cards are extremely important.
Every night before you go to bed, your job is to read and reread these cards over and over again. Read them out loud.
Turn off your smartphone. Turn off your television. Leave your laptop and tablet in another room.
This is not a time to browse videos on YouTube or Snapchat your friends. This is not a time for anyone else. This is your time.
Read your cards. Visualize all of your hopes and dreams coming true. Picture yourself accomplishing everything on your lists and living out your ideal lifestyle.
Do this every single night before you go to bed.
Over time, you will notice some big changes within yourself. The distractions will begin to disappear from your life.
Your mindset will become more focused. Your time will become much more valuable because you will only have time for the tasks that will bring you closer to the realization of your hopes and dreams… the very words on the cards that you read every night before bed.
Most importantly, you will have a much more positive demeanor because you will realize that every day is a chance to win. Every day is a chance to inch closer towards your long term goals.
*** I am new to this as well. I have consistently been doing it for about a month. I already see the changes. You will too.
There’s always work to be done. As long as you think big and remain focused, big things will happen if you believe they will happen.
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Also be sure to contact me if you are considering working with me 1-on-1 or joining the private group:
Thanks for the inspiring words and suggestions. I know I need more positive motivation in my mind because recently I’ve been through some difficult times, starting high school and having a bit of a challenge adjusting to it and the high demands to make it. I’ve had many thoughts of self-doubt recently which has led to a certain resentment towards society and people in general. Which has also led to a mindset of wanting to give up and go on a different route but I also realize the pay-off will ultimately be worth it so I try to fix what needs to be fixed and use my dreams to carry me through all the trials and tribulations.
Thanks bro! Above all, have faith in yourself!
Believe in yourself=Focused Action=Results