09 May 2016


One of the worst things you can do for your game is to specifically move somewhere to “work on your game.” This is especially the case when you are young. Here’s why: When you pick up and move your entire life to a foreign country, you’re not solving the problem. You are

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29 Feb 2016

Discipline (How Fear and the Competitive Spirit Create Discipline)

Click play or go to iTunes to download. Discipline is an important topic in the realm of success. Everyone knows that. We have heard it throughout our entire lives. So what exactly is discipline? Discipline is self-control. It is a state of mind. When you are exercising discipline, you are

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Markus Reinhardt Trains Strength By Sonny

Click play or go to iTunes to download. This is an exciting post because it’s really comprised of 2 parts. The first part pertains to Markus and I continuing our discussion on HIT training. The second part contains the recorded videos from a leg workout I did with Markus at

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HIT Training Explained: Interview with Mr. High Intensity Markus Reinhardt

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview (and train with) one of the best personal trainers on the planet: Markus Reinhardt aka Mr. High Intensity. I had first learned about Markus from an interview he did two years ago. Luckily, Markus lives right down the road from me in Las

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Develop a Focused Mindset with 1 Important Practice

*** This article originally appeared as a guest post on Everyday Power Blog *** Mindset is everything. You can accomplish anything you want when you are fueled by a positive, inspired mindset. On the flip side, life becomes very difficult when your mind is unfocused and clouded with negative thoughts.

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02 Sep 2014

La Cosa Nostra: The 10 Laws of the Sicilian Mafia (and how they apply to you)

La Cosa Nostra’s foundation is built upon a law code of honor. What’s up guys? Hope you’re all doing well. I have previously written about the importance of establishing your own law code. Today, I just wanted to briefly show you the code that governs one of the most idolized

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29 Aug 2014

Zinc: The Most Important Mineral for Men

Make sure your diet is chock full o’ zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods and can be added to others. It is also available as a dietary supplement. It is essential for growth and development at all stages of life. It supports a healthy

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How to Get Your Life on Track by Going Back in Time

Have you ever felt lost in life? This is not an article where I tell you that if you believe in yourself and work hard, everything will work itself out in the end. This is not an article where I give you all the answers. This is an article where

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15 Jun 2014

38 Badass Affirmations That Will Fuel Your Competitive Spirit

If you say it enough, YOU will make it true. An affirmation is a positive statement that can condition your subconscious mind to help you develop a more positive perception of yourself. They absolutely work. And if you repeat them enough (out loud or in your head), they will come

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10 Jun 2014


What separates the guys who get whatever they want in life from the guys who settle for scraps? What’s the difference between the guys who operate with a “Till I Collapse” mindset in every aspect of life versus the maybe next timers? How can you become someone who conquers goals

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