The Best Men’s Skincare Routine
The following is the best men’s skincare routine you will ever find.
I say this because the information I am about to unload on you is based off of 3+ years of active skincare in my own life and 13+ years of involvement in the world of health and fitness.
Also my own skin looks better than ever and continues to improve as I approach 30.
This advice is also coming to you from the mindset of someone who has truly mastered the concept of “optimized lifestyle versus routine”, which you too will understand by the time you are done reading this.
Thus, this is not your typical men’s skincare routine because the advice in this article represents a holistic approach towards making your body’s largest organ as healthy as possible.
By the time you are done reading this, you will be able to apply this “secret” to your own life as well.
The best men’s skincare routine is not about any special tricks or tips. Healthy, youthful looking skin is all about lifestyle. It’s EVERYTHING.
My History With Skincare

Before Caring About Skin vs. Active Skincare (2016)
For the first 26 years of my life, I didn’t give a crap about skincare.
I just lived my life. Granted, I had been lifting weights and eating relatively healthy for 10+ years.
So I already had the most important aspect of true skincare nailed down pat.
However, I was living in Las Vegas at the time and the party lifestyle was starting to catch up to me.
My face was starting to look worn out.
I had bags and crow’s feet beginning to form around my eyes. I was also pale compared to when I was younger, even though I was getting plenty of Sun.
My skin just did not have that youthful glow that it used to.
Around this time, I made some changes in my life.
First, I made the decision to leave Las Vegas and the partying behind.
Second, I made it a nightly habit to apply one of the following right before bed:
1. Trader Joe’s Coconut Body Butter
I started this nightly habit in Spring 2016 and have been consistent ever since! Both have been used interchangeably.
I prefer the Now Food’s Cocoa Butter and believe it to be better. But Trader Joe’s Coconut Body Butter is more convenient because you do not have to heat it up in the microwave.
Either one is fine but if you’re not lazy about heating stuff up in the microwave (like me), just go with the Cocoa Butter.
Your skincare routine is your lifestyle.

Creams. Natural remedies… all this stuff is great. But they are all secondary to LIFESTYLE.
When most people think of skincare, they tend to think of it in the same manner as fat loss.
Most people want to “spot reduce” by losing the fat on their stomach. However, spot reduction is a myth because you cannot lose fat in one particular area.
In reality, there is excess fat all over the body. The stomach fat will only begin to disappear if the individual commits to losing body fat all over.
* I would recommend The Of Tyrants & Tellers Diet to those individuals 🙂
You should think of skincare in the same manner. Don’t think about it as just putting some special cream on your face and calling it a day.
Your skincare routine is your lifestyle and your lifestyle is everything.
Your lifestyle is the summation of your habits.
That is the major epiphany I want you to get from this article.
What is your skincare routine?
Your skincare routine is EVERYTHING.
It is everything:
- you do (and don’t do)
- you put into your body
- that has a potential impact on your mindset/emotions
So the best men’s skincare routine is going to be a matter of EVERYTHING being in alignment with optimized health.
The Best Men’s Skincare Routine (Specific Lifelong Habits to DO/NOT DO)

You could argue that a healthy diet is the foundation of the best men’s skincare routine.
Another way to look at your skincare routine is to regard it as your overall anti-aging game plan.
In other words, how are you going to mitigate the effects of the natural aging process to the best of your ability?
The following is a list of life-long habits that will do just that for you and keep your skin looking as healthy and as youthful as possible in the process.
1. Lift weights and do cardio.
Everyone knows that lifting weights will help you put on muscle. But it also slows down the aging process dramatically.
Cardio mitigates the aging process as well.
2. Eat healthy food.
Your diet is crucial to living an overall healthy existence. Your diet should be kept relatively simple and clean. The following foods are recommended:
- steak
- ground beef (keep it lean- nothing below 90/10 split)
- chicken
- fish (especially salmon)
- eggs
Carbohydrates (keep these to a minimum- pre/post-workout)
- brown rice
- sweet potatoes
Vegetables (I recently amped these up in my own diet)
- broccoli
- spinach
- asparagus
- onions
3. Drink plenty of water.
Your water intake determines EVERYTHING.
I cannot stress this enough.
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated which is alarming since dehydration is the root cause of so many ailments, including aged skin.
Do yourself a favor and hammer that water to keep that skin healthy and vibrant looking!
*** 2019 TWEAK- I recently started putting a sliced piece of cucumber in my water. This not only makes the cold water that much more refreshing but it has also made my skin glow just a little bit more.
4. Take these supplements in the morning.
I’m not as big on supplements as I used to be.
However, there are a few supplements that I believe are important to SUPPLEMENTING a healthy, pro-anti-aging lifestyle. They are:
These supplements can help with the aging process- provided that you are already living a healthy lifestyle.
5. Get plenty of sleep.
Common sense- Lack of sleep will age you FASTER and lead to the early formation of eye bags/crow’s feet.
Sleep is right up there with water as one of those things that WILL make or break you.
If you skim of sleep, you will pay for in more ways than one. Your overall skin health is one of them.
6. Make sure you get sunlight.
The Sun triggers the synthesis of Vitamin D within the body.
In fact some studies have even hinted at the Sun as a natural remedy for nearly all ailments in the skin as well.
7. Do the cucumber face mask.
I’ve talked about the health benefits of this before. Read that here.
Cucumbers are a natural moisturizer which means it serves as a direct combatant to DRYNESS.
Try and do this in the morning to start your day off right. That’s what I do.
8. The Nighttime Routine.
This is the little routine I do right before bed.
- Cut a slice of cucumber and rub all over your face.
- Heat up a little bit of cocoa butter and lightly apply under/around your eye area.
That’s it.
8. Avoid Sugar/Alcohol/Cigarettes/Drugs/Porn (Panic fapping)
Avoid these because in addition to negatively impacting your health, they will also have a negative impact on your skin when regularly consumed.
Does that mean you have to go completely straight edge? No- Well, for cigarettes/drugs/porn, I would say yes.
A sugary treat once in a while won’t destroy your skin. However, downing a gallon of ice cream every night will take its toll on your skin.
The same goes for alcohol. A glass of red wine here and there won’t wreck your skin. Pounding Johnny Walker on the reg will though.
Do you understand the difference?
9. Do 1 fast per week (recommended 38 hrs)
Fasting has played an integral role in my overall lifestyle for well over a year now.
Simply put, it has been life changing.
I will elaborate on the specifics of fasting at a later time but I can tell you that in addition to helping me improve my facial aesthetics (bye bye bloat), it has also greatly improved my overall skin complexion as well.
In reality, I was most likely chronically inflamed- now I am not.
Advanced Understanding of Intangibles (Hidden Elements that Impact Skincare)

Closed spaces and fluorescent lights (like these) spiritually destroy you over time, which in turn has a negative impact on your skin health.
This took me nearly 30 years to truly “get.”
Truth be told, I really have to thank Mike Cernovich for writing Gorilla Mindset because reading it put me on a different path in life 3 years ago.
I’m one of those people that believes that every little thing sets us on an entirely different course as we progress into the future.
I read that book and it really opened my eyes to just how much our mindsets and emotions factor into everything. It put me on a path to understanding these intangibles. Before that, I simply was not conscious of how much that stuff matters.
Our emotional state has an impact on EVERYTHING- including the way we look.
Stress wreaks havoc on the body. The same goes for anger, sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness.
Negative, dark energy is very real and when you let that element into your life, it takes its toll on you.
It literally kills you faster and expedites the aging process.
Closed spaces, fluorescent lights, darkness, dull colors- These things all have a negative emotional impact on you and spiritually destroy you over time.
Anything that weakens your spirit and saps your positive life force from you is going to negatively impact your physical well-being, starting with the thing that covers your meat suit (your skin). This is includes porn and panic fapping.
ISOLATION is a big one too. We are social beings and that lack of human contact kills us a little bit as time goes on.
You must become of aware of all these little intangibles in your life and recognize how they are impacting your emotional state, especially in the long-term.
Like a disease, negative energy builds up over time. You don’t see the negative effects right away. They creep up on you until months/years later you look in the mirror and are disgusted by what you see.

Finding joy in the little things in life will contribute to better skin health. The same goes for chronic WINNING.
Joy and winning are the two most powerful intangibles for your emotional state.
So the obvious answer would be to get as much joy and winning in your life as possible.
I don’t have all the answers to this but I can certainly point you in the right direction based off of my own experiences (especially in these last 10 months or so).
Identifying sources of joy and winning is a major first step.
- The Sun- The Sun is a PED. Every variation of the Sun (sunrise/sunset) has a positive impact on your mood.
- The water- ocean/beaches, lakes, waterfalls, rivers
- Spring/Summer breeze
- Mountains
- various sounds in nature (birds, bugs, frogs, other animals, etc)
- silence in nature
- the “feel” of being outside on your skin
- walking barefoot also known as Earthing
Love (I like to think of it as concentrated love.)
- love for yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually)
- love/companionship (with significant other)
- close group of friends
- family
- being kind/open/inclusive towards others as your default state
- animals/children also bring more love into your life as well
- not taking life so seriously
- joking around with those closest to you.
- Vibrancy/colors absolutely have an impact on your emotional state.
- And this in turn, can have a huge impact of everything else.
- A good case study is how Edi Rama (former mayor) completely turned around Tirana, Albania through the use of colors. He literally transformed the city from a depressed, crime ridden, former Soviet shit hole into a happy, safe, environment with happy citizens. And it all started with his decision to paint the buildings bright colors. Read more about that here.
Winning is whatever you want it to be.
I think there is value in seeing small victories as wins.
I feel the same way about general improvements in life as well.
However, you still cannot lose sight of the importance of measurable, tangible wins as well.
This is why it is important to stay busy and always have something that you are working towards.
No matter which way you want to slice it, the winner effect is real and it brings a vibrancy to your physical image. This absolutely reflects in your skin glowing. It glows because you are alive.
Final Thoughts on The Best Men’s Skincare Routine

Even little spikes of micro-joy from seeing this goofy little picture can have an impact on your skin.
The main point to drive home here is that there is no such thing as a routine.
Routines are analogous to quick fixes and band-aids.
In reality, it all matters. Everything matters when it comes to anything in life. And your game plan must account for this if you want real results.
Skincare is no different.
So while you might see everybody and their mother promising you amazing skin creams and “secrets” to turning back the clock, just know that it is all bullshit!
The true solution lies not with routines but with lifestyle.
That is the inconvenient truth about anything in the realm of health and vitality.
And of course, do not neglect the intangibles. Good or bad. It ALL adds up over time.
Ultimately, I hope you do come to view this as the best men’s skincare routine around because it really does take everything (to the best of my ability) into consideration.
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