My Current Training Split And Exercises Used (July 2019)
I’ve been at this for 13+ years. Nevertheless, I’m still learning new things about health/fitness. I’m always tinkering with something. You could call me a “master” at this but I believe a true master recognizes that there is no end. No matter how much you learn/know about something, you are
Pure Strength Hurting Bombs Testimonial (And Incredible Transformation!)
The Pure Strength Hurting Bombs Program has been our most popular program ever since we opened the Strength By Sonny e-store. It’s simple and it fucking works! 10 movements split up into 2 days Every single thing about the program is geared towards maximizing muscle fiber recruitment in ways that
2 Reasons Why Your Weekly Split Should Begin With… SHOULDERS AND TRAPS!!!
We’ve talked about the importance of utilizing bodybuilding splits for your health and fitness journey. There’s no need to go over the benefits of that style of training over and over again. It used to piss me off when people would fight with me tooth and nail on whether or not
The 3 Best Arm Exercises According to Of Tyrants & Tellers
These are the 3 best arm exercises for me at the moment because they “work” for me right now. This could change next week. This could change months from now as explained by the #1 rule for bodybuilding success. Triceps Not only is this my all-time favorite tricep exercise, but
21 ways to bring up a lagging body part
One of the most frustrating things you will ever experience in the gym is when you realize that nothing is working. You’ve tried everything (or so you think) and nothing seems to click. You do all sorts of pressing movements but your chest remains flat. You do curls for the girls but
23 Health Tweaks I Have Made Since 2014
The path from stoppable to unstoppable is not a matter of life defining changes. It’s really all about skillfully implemented tweaks you make here and there along your journey. Nowhere is this more applicable than in the world of health and fitness. Many have looked to me as an expert since I
My Current Money Movements For Building Muscle Efficiently
I’ve explained money movements before. Money movements are the optimal movements you use for each body part. These rarely stay the same because bodybuilding is a journey. This journey is one of constant self-discovery. You’re always finding out something new about how your body works. I’ve been at this over
HIT Training Explained: Interview with Mr. High Intensity Markus Reinhardt
Recently, I had the opportunity to interview (and train with) one of the best personal trainers on the planet: Markus Reinhardt aka Mr. High Intensity. I had first learned about Markus from an interview he did two years ago. Luckily, Markus lives right down the road from me in Las
Invest in Yourself (Your Youth)
Invest in yourself. The most important investment you will make in life is in yourself. That’s right. There is no question about it. Your health (youth) is the single most important thing in the world. I have always been mindful of this. My father has always preached this message to
Rocky 4 Training Montage: The Most Inspirational Movie Scene For Beginners in the Gym
The Rocky 4 Training Montage Was My Early Inspiration. This article is about one my favorite movie scenes of all time, the Rocky 4 training montage. The Rocky 4 training montage inspired me to train and improve myself even before I started lifting weights. This competitive drive was mostly applied towards bettering myself