The #1 Rule About Gold Rushes
I’m not talking about an actual gold rush though this advice can just as easily be applied toward that as well.
A gold rush is simply a good thing that people do not yet know about.
That is the #1 mistake people make and what I consider to be the #1 rule about gold rushes.

The dumbest guy from the California Gold Rush was the guy who let the cat out of the bag. The smartest guy was Levi Strauss. He sold all the hopeful idiots jeans.
Because when you do, you open up the floodgates to commoners/the undeserving trying to get their taste.
Since the beginning of time – EVERYTHING you can imagine has been ruined by everyone finding out and wanting to join the fun.
Everything always goes to shit during the mania phase.
Entire markets.
Every area of interest has had a good thing that not a lot of people knew about. That is the perfect time to get the bag and win in the shadows.
But then what happens? Eventually, some idiot lets the cat out of the bag. They tell their friends who then tell their friends… Before you know it all the losers want a chance at “striking it rich.”
Here’s an example many of you are probably familiar with:
Women in Eastern Europe.
There was a time when that part of the world was probably a massive untapped reservoir of Eastern European waifu potential.
But then word eventually got out. Guys started posting/exchanging “secret goldmines” with one another. Entire forums and “secret groups” popped up. Now everyone and their brother is going over there to try and win in the same way.
This cycle of dilution and ruin can literally be applied toward anything.
“Hey that’s a great idea! I’m gonna do it too!”
Once a growing populace starts to think and act like easy “lotto wins” are right around the corner, the only thing that is certain is that they will collectively bring about ruin.
Not everyone is supposed to be a winner. In fact, most people are destined to be lifelong losers.
Competition will always be “fierce” especially in the ever shrinking world in the Social Media Age.
If you ever find yourself stumbling upon a “good thing” (big or small) that no one else knows about, here is what you should do.
1. Keep you mouth shut.
2. Get the bag (win in the shadows).
3. Never tell a soul.
*** And if you must tell someone – Wait until you have already drained that well. And even then, keep that close to the vest (those closest to you who you know will keep quiet and have zero interest to replicate your success). Stack chips in silence. It’s only “safe” to celebrate when victory is long in your rear view mirror.
This concept of gold rushes is touched upon in Instagods, specifically in the dating chapters – where I talk about the importance of a minimalistic shadow approach when it comes to girls you are trying to get with.
This is especially the case when it comes to your own social media engagement. Once it becomes obvious that you are trying to get with a certain girl via your online conduct (likes, comments, etc) – the digital public puts the pieces together.
“Oh wow Kristy is single and Joey is talking to her?!!!! I’m gonna shoot my shot too!!!”
You get a group of idiots (oftentimes those in your extended circle) doing that and it just ruins it for everyone.
More on that July 1st…
In the meantime, do yourself a favor and keep the goldmine (whatever it may be) to yourself. #winintheshadows
Tattoos is an obvious one for people trying to look cool/hard/badass. They’re barely a thing anymore. First sleeves were the thing and now they’re over saturated to the point where you need half of your body done/face tatts to have the desired effect.
Oh yeah! Straight up programming. Now the thing is tattoo removal.