This world follows the laws of Culture and Programming.
Your life up until right now has been dictated by culture and programming.
What is your current culture? How are you programmed right now?
At Strength By Sonny, we recognize that culture is everything and everything is culture.
Our culture is about winning.
Our programming is masculine.
We all have questions. We all seek information in order to improve our lives.
At Strength By Sonny, we are honored to have the opportunity to provide you with such information.
Above all, we are an online community that prides itself on 3 Core Values:
1. Versatility.
2. A positive mindset.
3. The long-term goal of helping others accomplish their goals.
We keep things simple.
Our game plan is versatility.
Our mindset is old school strength. Strength of mind. Strength of body. Strength of spirit.